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Direct flights to Rhodes from 92+ cities in September and October

Rhodes Aquarium - Airplane Window View

Google, the almighty search giant, allows you to search for direct flights to your desired travel destination and compare prices. Since we already know that you want to travel to Rhodes ( ;) ), we found that you can fly here directly from 92+ cities in Europe, but also from Israel, Armenia and from September 2016 also from Amman with Jordan Airlines.

Have a look for yourself on Google or visit Skyscanner to compare fares from an airport near you: UK from 25€, Germany from 22€, Holland from 59€ or Russia from 65€ (prices for one way flight for 1 adult as of 25/8/2016).

September and October are both good months to visit Rhodes, due to less visitors than in the summer and mild temperatures that allow for lots of outdoor activities except than hitting the beach, such as kite surfing, hiking and yoga. So why not catch a plane and spend some more quality time for you and your friends and family before the winter comes.

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